Find a news article that interests you. What interests you about it? How does it effect the rest of the world?
As we talked about new inventions in class this week, I stumbled upon this "Light Radio" which is going to revolutionize the cell phone industry. Many of the lead phone companies are going to being using this technology. Basically, this 2.3 centimeter rubix cube sized box will become the replacement for old, inefficient cell phone towers. They can be placed anywhere with their size, and cell phone companies wiill be able to control them virtually. It will be saving money and time for everyone.
This week in class:
A) This week in class we discussed the ideas of new inventions and how our world will revolutionize in the next years. I was asked to decide what technology I relied on most...and I honestly couldn't give a straight answer. To me, technolgoy is a part of every day life. Half the time I'm using it I don't even give it a second thought. Cell phone, laptop, printer, wireless internet, GPS, cars, radio...all these things I use on a dialy basis and don't give more than two seconds thought to.
B) Throughout class, we also watched an amazing TED talk about an inventor merged the world of the computer with the physical world. This groundbreaking idea is where technology should be headed in the future. Though technology is so much more efficient and necessary in todays modern world, one of my greatest fears is that the human race will succumb to sitting in front of screens all day. This inventor found a way to connect that screen with traditional moving around and exploring the physical world with the virtual at hand.
C) The most important new technology we can create in the generation is a better rechargeable battery. This will make electric cars affordable and effect the green movenment greatly. Smartphones have a battery life of 4 hours! How ridiculous is that!?
Question for next week:
Find a phenomenom of the natural world and how it works.
Goldman, David. "LightRadio: The Tiny Cube That Could save Wireless - Mar. 21, 2011." Business, Financial, Personal Finance News - 21 Mar. 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2011.
Question for next week:
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