Saturday, October 16, 2010

Journal 1_4 October 10, 2010

Question from last week:
As I looked for Moore's response to comments against him, I really couldn't find too much.  He never made a documentary recanting any of the previous documentaries...even though one of the themes of "Michael Moore Hates America" was to get Moore to respond.  Instead, Moore decides to take the high road on many of these issues and not even acknowledge his critcis.  In other ways, he deliberately denies claims on the news and when he speaks in public.  I found this in several movie clips, but never did I find any kind of statement from Moore coming back at the other side.

This week in class:
This week in class we started the film "The Perfect Candidate" with completing background information on it.  The documentary is about two candidates from the 1994 election, and both of them are terrible candidates for office.  Oliver North was the republican candidate, and also a Luitenant that was involved in the Iran- Contra scandal.  North has been accused and convicted of lying to congress about his actions.  Chuck Rob, the democratic candidate, is equally disspaointing because he was concerned with a family issues where he cheated on his wife.  The film should have the theme: do politicians even have morales anymore?  We began watching the film, and right away there were stereotypes between the Republican and democratic cnadidates, but also there was a similar notion of whether you can trust politicans or not. 

^^Oliver North pledging at Congress on his trial after the Iran-Contra Scandal

Question for next week:
I want to know more about the Iran- Contra scandal.  I will learn when it was, where it happened, and who was involved.  What did Oliver North do?  How was he convicted on trial? 


"Oliver North." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Oct. 2010.

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