What muslim community is there in Richmond, Virginia?
I couldn't find every part of the muslim community in Richmond, but there is definitely a foundation for the muslim community. The Islamic Center of Virginia, centered in a suburb of Richmond in Bon Air, Virginia, focuses on education and unity of the Islamic faith in the richmond area. Their website shows something very similar to a "sunday school" and their breaking ground on a new location. It is a newer organization, but contains sunday school, summer programs, funeral and marriage services and community outreach to get other faiths to understand the Islamic faith better.
The Islamic Center of Virginia is not the only muslim faction in Richmond, however, when googling "Islamic Mosques in Richmond" only three mosques came up. This number surprised me, I thought there would be more. It astounds me that there are over a hundred churches in a thirty minute radius of my house, but I would have to travel 45 minutes to get to one of three mosques in the area if I were muslim.
In class this week:
A) This week in class we watched another clip of thirty days called "outsourced." It was about a middle aged American man traveling to India to find his old job that had been outsourced to India. His initial viewpoint of the idea of outsourcing was very negative. He thought that outsourcing was taking away from the American people, and only hurting the American economy. After living in India for 30 days, he realized that the cost of one American job will give 16 Indians a job, but that those indians are still in poverty. He was astounded by the fact that the Indians did not complain, and were content in their one room shaks of homes. He returned home with a sense of compassion for the Indian people.
B) After seeing "outsourced" I did agree that the Indians are living in poverty and it is good that new money is being put into their economy, but I disagree that it should be at the cost of American people's welfare. So many people are losing their jobs to outsourcing that worked for American companies. Shouldn't these companies take care of their own first? With the American economy drastically falling, I think it is time for us to close our borders and think about what we must do to better ourselves, not the Indians.
C) This can be applied to American's foreign policy. The Iraq war and dealings in the middle east are to aid and provide democracy in those areas of the Middle East. In a lot of ways, these wars are honorable and good natured, however, they are costing American lives and trillions of American lives for some of the longest wars in American history. Is it worth it?
Question for next week:
What is another controversial war in American history?
30 Days (TV Series)." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 23 May 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_Days_(TV_series.
Islamic Center Of Virginia. Web. 23 May 2011. http://ww2.icva1.com/index.php.
CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 23 May 2011. <http://www.cnn.com/>.
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