What is another controversial war in American history?
The Vietnam war was one of the most controversial wars in American history. Until recently, it was also the longest war in US history as well. It's main purpose was to support the policy of "containment" that America had adopted during the Cold War. The purpose of containment was to fight communism abroad to prevent it from entering the United States. The North Vietnam was communistic, and South Vietnam was under US aid and considered a democracy. Fought mostly through guerilla warfare, the terrorist pro-communist factions in South Vietnam, the Vietkong, fought agaisnt the American soldiers under cover of jungles, identity and night. Thousands of lives were cost in a war that didn't need to be fought. Through three presidents, the Vietnam war endured the anger of many American "doves" or radical peace advocates. Anti- war rallies were thrown, and the controversy heightened during the shootings at Kent State Univeristy, where four students were shot and killed by government officials trying to end the rally. Vietnam was a costly, controversial and unsuccessful war.

This week in class:
A) This week in class we talked about the principles of magic. The ten main principles in which magicians use to create their tricks, the ethics of magic and the difference between a magician and a conartist were all topics we focused on. Through watching much of Penn and Teller and a man that disproves phsycis and others who claim to have supernatural powers. It is interesting to see how much of a magic trick is just distraction. When watching penn and teller, it was easy to see the trick when the volume was on mute, but when Penn narrated each trick I was immediately drawn into the distraction, and unable to think critically about how the two magicians performed the trick. Penn's main point, that was a common theme throughout the unit, was that Magicians are telling you that they are tricking you, while conartists never state that they are about to trick you.
B) I thought the most interesting part of the lesson was the phsycology of magic. The success of Penn and Teller's shows rely soley on the audiences ability to believe that what is happening is really magic. If as an audience member, someone sits there and analyzes every single move, the show would be a disaster. Yet, something about the human brain wants there to be an element of magic in the world and that is why magic shows are popular and succesful.
C) There are times in a people's lives where we don't want to be in control. That is why magic is such a phenomemon that we love and appreciate. In amusement parks, parties and magic shows, there is the element of not knowing what will happen, that the individual doesn't have control over the situation and someone else does. In listening to modern music every artist speaks about "losing control." I think that is the same element that makes magic popular.
Question for next week:
There are different themes with magic. There is wizards and witches, phsycics, transformers, mind-readers and so much more. What is the most believable form? Why?
Sources :
"The Vietnam War." Digital History. Web. 30 May 2011. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/modules/vietnam/index.cfm.
Penn & Teller. Web. 30 May 2011. http://www.pennandteller.com/.
Battlefield:Vietnam." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Web. 30 May 2011. <http://www.pbs.org/battlefieldvietnam/>.
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